Sunday, November 7, 2010

Look Around You.

Lately a lot of things have been happening... but lately a real miracle from God happened. Crystal Ham was found alive.

Not many people had faith that she was alive anymore... the rescures had even stopped the search for her and were just looking for her body. But last Monday, November 1st, she was found alive. I can honestly say that it was a true miracle from God.

Sometimes we just take advantage of the things God does. He is amazing in everything he does. He will take care of his kids, and watch over them no matter what. He loves every single one of us. And has a plan for our future. And if it was in his will, he will make it happen. Just like it was his will for Crystal to by found alive. He has a plan for her life, and it just wasn't time to end it. Finding Crystal was a miracle and we really saw how God defeated death, how the devil wanted her to die, but God beat him, he overcame it.

So what we need to do is remind ourselves that everything around us is a miracle from God, and that if we are lives are in danger or if we are going through some rough times, God knows exactly what is happening and he isn't surprised... it is his will and he has a plan for you. So just praise God for all he does!

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